Google Keep For Android Updated, Brings Searchable Images, List Settings, Trash And More

Google Keep For Android Updated, Brings Searchable Images, List Settings, Trash And MoreIf you are an Android user, then you must be using some apps to take all notes into your Android smartphone/tablet. Well, there is already a popular app available for Android called Google Keep which lets users take down their ideas, or one can say take down notes on your smartphone/tablet. However, it seems that the popular note taking utility app Google Keep has been updated to new version 2.2 and the new update brings lots of new features for the app.

The first thing your eyes will see is a wacky yellow bar on the top. The updated app now lets users find printed text in images, set where new or check items are stored i.e you can now manage list, trash, updated slide-out menu with multi-account selection and also allow users to create copies of notes.

The complete list of features are as follows:

  • Yellow action bar
  • Searchable images
  • Find printed text in new photos you add
  • List settings- Now allows you to manage list items.
  • Trash- Now allows user keep deleted notes for longer time.
  • Keep deleted notes just a little longer
  • Make copies of notes.

So, if you are an Android user, then just head over to the Google Play Store to download the app. Google Keep is not only available on Android, but also on the Chrome Web Store and a web service. So, users can even download for your web  browsers. Stay tuned for more updates.


Aseem Girkar
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Aseem Girkar

He is a passionate and enthusiast blogger and likes to discuss news trending in Technology world